There are many INFJs who have tested as INTP before discovering their type (including myself) and INTPs who have tested as INFJ. The two types are very different from a theoretical point of view because they belong to different temperaments (Rational INTP and Idealist INFJ) and have different attitudes towards the world (J and P). The two types share only two cognitive functions and it would seem like there is little reason for indecision between these types. If we base similarity on the common shared functions alone, the two types share only Ti and Fe. It seems more likely that an INFJ would mistype as ISTP (Ti Se Ni Fe) and INTP as ISFJ (Si Fe Ti Ne). But that is not usually the case, INFJ and INTP are more similar than they appear on the surface.

Here are the cognitive functions for these two types:

INFJ: Ni Fe Ti Se

INTP: Ti Ne Si Fe

The Similarities


INFJs and INTPs can exhibit similar behaviors. As intuitive introverts (INxx), both types can detach from the external world and escape into their minds. They can also appear clumsy and may have poor physical coordination because their sensory functions are relatively weak. They may also display similar interests in intellectually stimulating topics such as philosophy, science, mathematics and may work in fields that require little interaction with their immediate physical environment.

The T/F Dichotomy

The third letter in the MBTI type determines if a person is a feeler or a thinker. The terms can be confusing because every person needs to think and feel inorder to function. There is a similar personality theory known as Socionics, that uses more descriptive terms to differentiate this dichotomy.

Feelers value ethics in decision making.

Thinkers place emphasis on logic in decision making.

The two cannot be mutually exclusive. A shallow understanding of Jungian typology has led to the following misconceptions:

  • Thinkers have no feelings, Feelers can’t think
  • Thinkers are bright, Feelers are dumb
  • Thinkers are indifferent, Feelers are compassionate

These stereotypes are not true. One can be a compassionate Thinker and a logical Feeler. They are easily dismissed as one dives into the cognitive functions. INTPs who are drawn to people or altruistic causes may type themselves as INFJ and INFJs who have intellectual interests may type themselves as INTP on the basis of the T/F dichotomy.

The J/P Dichotomy

I have mentioned the reason behind the Judger/Perceiver dichotomy in previous posts. On the surface, it may appear that Js are more organized than Ps and Ps are more open-minded than Js. This may apply as a general rule for most types but it is more complex in the case of INTPs and INFJs. You can read about the difference between J and P in this article.

Most of the common J traits do not necessarily apply to INFJs. INFJs may not organize their physical environment, follow routines or manage their time as well as most Js. Ps are known for procrastination and being scatter-brained but INTPs can be very focused and determined when they are intrinsically motivated to accomplish a goal.

Thought Patterns

The dominant cognitive functions of the two types are similar. Both Ni and Ti are objective and concerned with systems. The objectivity of Ni stems from its universal nature and intolerance of biases in its pursuit of the truth. Ti strives for thought precision and logical coherence therefore it openly questions thought processes and doubts itself to reach a state of self-assurance and harmony.

In INFJs, Ni can manifest as understanding people and minds. The tertiary Ti is used to organize the insights provided by Ni into a logical structure for coherence.

In the case of INTPs, Ti creates a curiosity for knowing how things work. The dominant and tertiary functions can work together to synthesize an internal model of the world.

For this reason, the two types can become great thinkers and are found abundantly among philosophers.

Cognitive Function Development

The development of the tertiary (3rd) and inferior (4th) function takes place in early to mid-adulthood, during the period when most people discover their type.

The tertiary function can be thought of as a crutch the mind relies on to reinforce the most active dominant and auxiliary functions. If the person is in the process of developing this function, it can become the most conscious process as it uses most of the person’s psychic energy. INFJs in their late teens or twenties who are developing their tertiary function can become aware of Ti because it is a conscious linear process as opposed to their dominant Ni which may not be noticed because they naturally “swim” in it as fish swim in the sea. During this time, INFJs will find it easier to articulate their insights and communicate them in a logical manner. If coupled with self-discovery, this function may feel like it is the dominant because it gives Ni its voice and allows their previously unconscious mental processes to come to light. If the INFJ engages in intellectual pursuits such as Academia, his/her tertiary function will get the opportunity to flourish and may feel indistinguishable from Ni. Many INFJs mistype themselves as INxJ or INTP because they believe they are both feelers and thinkers.
However, the two functions are very different as I will demonstrate in the next section.

The inferior function, also known as the aspirational function is usually the weakest and least developed cognitive function. It can become a source of insecurity if the person is immersed in an environment that requires the great use of this function. People also tend to overestimate the strength of their inferior function because they spend much effort in using it and developing it. In the case of INTPs, the inferior function is Fe, which is concerned with appropriate social behavior and taking care of others’ feelings. Fe is important for initiating and maintaining social relationships and is very important from an early age. It is common for young INTPs to unintentionally offend others because they may not have insight into what is considered socially acceptable. This is usually learned through trial and error (Si) and observing behavioral patterns (Ne). Social life requires them to spend more effort than other types in developing their inferior function so their inferior function may appear “stronger” than the inferior function of other types. It is rare for INTPs to immerse in Fe as it conflicts with their dominant process so it it usually manifests unconsciously. Most INTPs learn to feign Fe and adjust to their social environments using their auxiliary function (Ne). INTPs may mistype as INFJs, if they have developed their inferior function (Fe).

The Differences

Cognitive Functions

Contrary to what the letters suggest, INFJs are dominant perceivers ([Pi) and INTPs are dominant judgers ([J]i).

As introverted perceivers, the internal world of INFJs is dynamic and ever-changing. In the INFJ, Ni is used for building complex systems that are universal. When Ni gathers external information, it molds itself with the new data to lead to greater understanding. INFJs are known for analyzing situations from multiple perspectives to get a clear perception of the situation at hand. They may disregard their personal beliefs and convictions to deal with pragmatic concerns in the external world. Ni provides an intuitive understanding of situations but it is usually a means to an end and not an end in itself.

INTPs can store an enormous amount of knowledge because they can easily archive and organize the information they perceive (Si) as they form their opinions using their internal set of logical principles. Ti creates a coherent internal model of the world as perceived via Ne, to help the INTP gain an understanding of the world.  INTPs expect new data to make sense before accepting it into their internal world. They usually strive to understand the inner workings of systems to gain a clear understanding of the world. INTPs pursue learning as an end in itself and may accumulate a large amount of information over a lifetime. They value their internal model more than its compatibility with established facts and they may dismiss new evidence to maintain internal harmony. A famous example of this Albert Einstein’s refusal to accept non-deterministic interpretations of Quantum Theory stating “I still do not believe that the statistical method of the Quantum Theory is the last word, but for the time being I am alone in my opinion.”

Precision vs Accuracy

INFJs can tolerate vagueness, ambiguity, logical paradoxes and incoherence because their dominant function is unconscious and not always subject to the restrictions of conscious thought. They can emerge with seemingly spontaneous insights but maybe unable to describe the thought processes that led to their convictions because of the irrational nature of intuition. They cannot easily form their opinions on non-urgent matters because they tend to view things from multiple perspectives, and it is not unusual for their opinions to change as they gather more data.  Arriving at the “one truth” is more important than maintaining a solid worldview. It is common to hear responses such as “Depends, Probably…” on questions of truth and falsehood.

INTPs value precision and clarity of thought above all else. Therefore, they may filter the information they perceive to make it compatible with their internal logic. The binary nature of their dominant function, Ti requires complete integration of new information before they accept an idea as valid.  They are usually aware of the reasoning behind their actions because Introverted Thinking (Ti) is a conscious function. They can also easily validate information against their internal logic and form quick judgments on arguments from other people. They are more definite in their responses and feel more comfortable making absolute claims, “X is true, Y is impossible”.


INFJs have strong convictions about external matters (values, vision, goals..) based on their irrational perception (Ni) but may not be able to defend it using their tertiary thinking function (Ti). They are the most intuitive type and they trust their insights as they rely on them for most of their lives. They may be unwilling to reconsider their views because they value “intuitive sense” over logic. As a result, they may come across as stubborn and inflexible with their opinions. However, they may radically change their views if there is a change in their intuitive perception.

INTPs have a good understanding of how the world works and can easily discern patterns they observe. The external attitude of their perception function (Ne) makes them flexible and open to change with everyday matters. However, their internal logic is personal and they place heavy emphasis in keeping it coherent. They can have a personal attachment to their logic and may be hesitant to share their deepest convictions for fear of exposing it.  They have the ability to detach their emotions and analyze external situations from an “objective” perspective. However, their need for a consistency may lead to self-doubt if their assumptions are challenged by external evidence.


As I discussed in the INFJ vs INTJ article, INFJs and INTJs belong to different temperaments.

INFJs are Idealists and are concerned with the animate world of beings.

INTPs are Rationals and are interested in impersonal systems that are open to objective inquiry.

For this reason, INFJs are usually driven by a cause (Ni) or a need for change (Fe) when they tackle intellectual problems. They are goal-driven and usually pursue interests that will help them achieve their social goals. They are usually attracted to Art, Philosophy, Writing, Poetry, Social Sciences…

INTPs are driven by curiosity and a need to create an objective and consistent model of the world. They think for the sake of thinking, and pursue their interests to gain a clearer understanding of the world. Their interests can include the humanities, but they tend to be attracted to theoretical “hard sciences” such as Pure Mathematics, Engineering, Architecture, Computer Science…


Both INFJs and INTPs can be very creative. INFJ creativity is symbolic and inspired by Introverted Intuition (Ni) where INTP creativity is synthetic and gathered through Extroverted Intuition (Ne).

INFJs can be gifted writers and poets because they can channel their insights (Ni) into aesthetic works of art (Fe). Their creative process is mostly unconscious and uses archetypes, abstractions and symbols.

INTPs can be excellent theorists, mathematicians, and intellectual revolutionaries because they have a broad imagination (Ne) and are able structure their perceptions into a logical form (Ti).  Their creative process requires effort and concentration and conscious manipulation of mental entities.

Perception of Time

INTPs and other xNPx types have a detached perception of time and tend to see the past-present-future as a continuum. They have a historical perspective and set their goals to accumulate memories and achievements that can be viewed from an autobiographical context.

INFJs and xNJx types have a future directed perception of time where the past and present are seen as contributing factors to a vision. They view time as a finite resource and strive to accomplish their goals to directly experience the success in the limited time they have.

Jungian Types and Perception of Time

Jungian Types and Perception of Time


INFJs are less verbose than INTPs and may struggle with expressing their ideas in words because their thought process is not always linguistic. They have the ability think in feelings, images, symbols, hunches… so it is hard for them to articulate the thought process that led to their conclusion. They can also make intuitive leaps between ideas and miss details in their arguments.

INTPs are very articulate and careful with their word selection. They can convey their thoughts in a clear fashion and are very good at explaining material to another person. They try to convince themselves as much as the other person when they are trying to get a point across. Their speech tends to be slower than Extroverted Thinkers but it is coherent and easy to follow.


Internal World Dynamic Static
Drive Vision Curiosity
Understanding Intuitive Logical
Goals External World (Fe) Internal World (Ti)
Creativity Inspiration Imagination
Speech Terse Elaborate and Verbose

30 Comments on “INFJ vs INTP”

  1. A. H. says:

    This is lucid. You’re doing a great job.

  2. jo says:

    keep up the good job! I have been very enlightened reading your posts.

  3. […] sounds weird. For a while i wondered if I was INTP but this help me realize that wasn't the case INFJ vs INTP | Psyphics Reply With […]

  4. […] being a write up of infj vs intp) was very helpful in helping me pin down my type at that time. SweetSurrender, Ollyx2OxenFree, Vanishing Point and 1 others thanked this post. […]

  5. […] for that. Actually this link from another thread has a lot on that point that I feel as accurate: INFJ vs INTP I will speak for myself based on my own understanding of who I am, accompanied by external […]

  6. […] the similarities and difference between the two types, it's really interesting. Hope this helps. Last edited by katforever83; Today at 12:01 AM. Reason: Forgot to add link unctuousbutler […]

  7. […] INFJ vs INTP | Psyphics Reply With Quote […]

  8. […] internal model while still unsure about something. this person explained it better than I could. INFJ vs INTP | Psyphics and I'm sorry for derailing the thread, it should be INFP vs INFJ Reply With […]

  9. Codysseus says:

    Gracias my fellow INFJ, this cleared up a horrendous two weeks of MBTI identity crisis for me!

  10. Casey says:

    Thank you this is beyond helpful…exactly the kind of article I was looking for. Formerly thought the INTP was a slam dunk but now I realize that INFJ makes so, so much more sense. Thank you.

  11. […] INFJ vs INTP | Psyphics the INFJ side of this sounds a lot like me. i'll do more research on it later. Thank you for your input! (: Reply With Quote […]

  12. javicaza says:

    With this entry you just make me know what I am INFJ or INTP so clear that every line I was able to notice the reason I score on the wrong personality kind and why I’m the other. Thank you it was very helpful for me

  13. abqandrea says:

    So amazing, this post. Thank you, from an always-tests-INTP-but-having-doubts kind of woman. (Isn’t the having doubts part indicative itself of INFJ?)

  14. gypsytorah says:

    Being one of the many who has fluctuated between INFJ and INTP I want to thank you for such a brilliantly written and illuminating post.

  15. Claudia says:

    I’m confused as to which of these two types I can be . The truth is that this has been of much help, but I’m still confused.

  16. Sarah says:

    Thank you for doing your research and taking the time to lay everything out in a coherent fashion. I appreciate all your hard work and insights!

  17. Karin Rosner says:

    In high school I tested as INTP, and as an adult in my 40s, I tested as INFJ. Now, I know why! Thanks for a great summary!

  18. DGreening says:

    This is wonderfully coherent and informational. I’m still lost on whether I am INTP or INFJ, but this was a nice stepping stone for me. Thanks!

  19. Mooktadir A says:

    Past tests have shown me to be INTP but now i feel more like an INFJ.. My thought process is intuitive rather than logical, although i highly value logic.. And i suck in maths, maybe that’s a easy give away!

  20. Mimi says:

    Although a thought provoking analysis, I could tell this was written by an infj because the infj descriptions seemed more accurate than the intp description. It very much seemed like an outsider’s perspective of an intp. As in, somethings were slightly off, especially with the description of ti. For example, as a judging function, it is quick to make an initial opinion, but since ne is so high in the functional stack, it is always changing as new information and possibilities are pulled in from ne. Ti is not static, and we do not mold our environment to fit into our mental framework, we restructure our understanding and mental frame work to include and accommodate new information from the environment, which is why we are considered open minded. I would not consider a healthy intp internally static. Also something to consider is that ne prevents us from ever really coming to firm conclusions internally (always open for new possibilities) but it is easier for us to assert what is NOT true.

    Also, if there is an idea that an intp has not had sufficient time to think about and master, we are much less articulate and we will also have a hard time verbalizing our thoughts, as we are then trying to communicate our intuitive understanding through our Ne and not our Ti, which makes us hard to follow at that point. Once we have had time to analyze a complex idea and throughly understand it through our Ti is the only time we are good at explaining things.

    Hopefully this additional info helps with understanding intps more 🙂

    • Lake Girl says:

      Help. Which type behaves like this?

      Attended an urban university. Commuting daily, felt like it was going to a job. No fun, no friends to hang out with or study with into the night. Aweful, miserable. Not for me.

      Visited a friend at their university, and had a great time. This college seemed closer to what I wanted.

      Returned home and thought about all the differences between the 2 universities (lots). Then got to the core source(s) that would result in what I was looking for, what would make me happy, what was missing from my university:
      – high percent of students living on campus (not local commuters that disappeared when classes ended)
      – located in medium size town or city but not in a big city (1milion+) and not in the middle of nowhere (need to find a job after graduating).
      – university size that’s not huge and not tiny

      Then went to the library, and looked through books (no internet then) until I had found several universities to consider. Eliminated a some based other important things like:
      – an equal number of boy and girls (boring if only one)
      – had strong colleges/departments with both majors I was considering (astronomy and fine art)
      – had acceptance scores such that I could get in and get a scholarship (hopefully)

      Applied to 4 or 5 and got accepted to each.
      I based my final decision on the acceptance letter of the top 2 choices:
      – a nice letter that included my name (hand typed)
      – an auto generated punchcard-type postcard (early computer generated)

      I chose the university that sent me the hand typed letter. It felt personal, like they would care about me as one of their students. I didn’t want to be just another number (like I was at the current large urban university). This was the best decision of my life, and my only regret is I didn’t start there. But how would I’ve known what I didn’t know?

      So, this was me at my truest. I owned all of this. I knew where I was wasn’t right for me. I had an idea (vision) of what would be right for me. I thought about it, researched it, found new schools to consider, applied to the best candidates, and then emotionally made my final choice.

  21. Jane says:

    First Great job👍🏻👏🏻 Second while reading this article i identified with Infj the most… but my interests have always been in the theoretical “ Hard science “ especially in mathematics, so that makes me wonder if my true type is infj or intp🤨 what do you think 🤔? * btw sorry for my English it’s not my first language *

    • Roman says:

      Hi, In my case (INFJ 5w4) it’s mainly because of inferiority feelings. I was bullied by my father and teachers. They always saw me as an aloof and stupid person. My father wanted me to become an engineer. It was hard because my secondary education was practical. In my early 20s, I got a (Ti) boost and started getting As and excel at college. After a couple of years, I fell in love with physics.

      So I am into hard sciences too, but human sciences come to me with much less resistance.

  22. CWW says:

    Thanks for this blog 😊💓

  23. lexgoeslive says:

    Great article! A lot of personality type comparisons leave me feeling just as confused but this provided lots of clarity, thanks!

  24. Chi says:

    After taking multiple online tests and getting both results, it is quite frustrating for career enhancement. Being both a poet and a highly curious intellectual of the sciences but not interested in any type of work I do which is the very opposite of what these personality types are. Trying to throw away a decade of work experience to start over is such a feat. I’ll have to go back to school which I don’t mind. Maybe I should’ve become a career student and just focused on research and publications or something, at least I’d be happier and have the degrees to prove my intelligence.

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